Send a Message
Your Whole List
is Sure to See

A 98% open rate means everyone is sure to see your updates, reminders, or emergency notifications.

Perfect for notifications, reminders, or just saying hi.

Write your message

Send quick, direct communication that feels personal. Recipients will feel special when you use personalization tokens to text them by name, just like you do with email.
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Pick the list

Send broadcasts to your whole church, specific groups, or individuals.
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Send now or schedule for later

Schedule your broadcasts to send at the optimal day and time. Whether it’s a note of encouragement for the morning, a teaching for the evening, or urgent info, just select when you want to send.

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Send your first broadcast in a matter of minutes.



Create your account and claim your phone number.



Upload your list or connect your ChMS.



Write your broadcast. Then send now or schedule for later.

Sign Up FREE

Part of the only free texting platform for churches

Made available by Kingdom-minded donors. 

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It doesn’t stop with broadcasts.

Here’s more ways churches use Gloo to strengthen their ministries.

Prayer Requests

Texting makes it easy for people to submit prayer requests.

Welcome New Visitors

Texting makes it easy to greet, engage, and build relationships with anyone who walks into your church.

Reach Your Community

We introduce you to 12 new people every month. You build more life-changing relationships.

Still have questions?

Schedule a call with one of our experts.

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