Exclusive Resources
to Keep Up
With Culture
Tap into movements, content, and new ideas that will keep you, your people, and your community growing. 100% FREE.
Here's What You'll Find

Recognizable Movements
Join movements that reach millions and release the passion in your people to have meaningful conversations about Jesus, church and faith with exclusive resources that put you one step ahead.

Thought Leadership
Content curated from respected and well-known figures in the Christian community, offering valuable insights and perspectives to inspire and guide church leaders.

Seasonal Stuff
Explore a wide range of resources tailored for special holidays like New Year's, Easter, Mother's Day, Vacation Bible School, Back to School, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

Engagement Resources
Find innovative outreach and connection strategies, inspiring devotionals, text series, and more to connect with your community and keep your people growing every day.

Kingdom-focused, data-driven resources from trusted leaders like Barna.

With free scholarships from PastorServ, AACC, and Galatians 6:6, you can access resources, courses, technology, and more.
Exclusive Content is Just a Part of Gloo’s Connected Ministry Platform.
Here's everything you get: